Saturday, 15 August 2009

Magic 2010 Game Day update #2

Carl writes...
Times I've won the game with Sign in Blood – 2 out of 4

Spotter on the floor has seen Time Sieve vs. transmuter... we're here for the duration.

Tim Willoughby writes...
Just won a game where my opponent had two Where Ancients Tread in play. I feel pretty lucky right now.

Louise writes...
The owls won me a game – at last!

Calum writes...
That's why I played that deck! Two incredibly tight wins against transmuter control (game two I killed him from 92 life by just taking extra turns) and bant means that I just I.d. In to top eight with, what is frankly, a bad deck. The top eight is this:

Elves combo
RW Swans
Sui Black
Time Sieve combo

I really need to avoid the Reveillark and Faeries decks in the top 8, and hope the other players knock them out! Here we go!

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