Wednesday, 2 September 2009

First update from PTQ Coventry

First round starts at 1225, with about 50 players in the event.
-David Lyford-Smith

Awesome EDH story time! The judge staff were playing a 4-player game before the event started. Charlie Hurrell had a Mass Hysteria, an Upwelling, and general Karona on the battlefield. Come my turn, I floated mana until I had 10, then cast Storm Herd. 40 Pegasus tokens, each 2/2 from Crovax, Ascendant Hero. All with haste. All getting +3/+3 from Karona, False God... 200 damage and all other players are out of there! What a classic!

Faeries is dead right? Not today, it appears as if at least 10 pilots didn't get the message, including myself I chose to run the normal U/B list rather than the new fangled splash red... and it's going OK, I'm currently 2-0 having top decked my 3rd Scion of Oona to win a damage race with Anathemancers and Stags... of course I only run 3 Scions, what do you mean lucky?! I probably should mention my first match win came off the back of a deck registration game loss for my opponent after he mana flooded in game one, so I could, so easily be 0-2 and drafting, let's see where we go from here.
- James Allingham

That may have been the worst sideboard decision ever. Gaddock Teeg out against Maelstrom Nexus combo, which he essentially stops single handedly. He screwed out game 1, so I didn't see his deck. Thankfully still pulled game 2.
- James Grover

I was amazed to see 75% of the room today had decided to bring on the control. I myself chose to play G/W tokens and it felt that I was vindicated in my decision to put Great Sable Stag in the main. Won first two rounds against fae before losing to Bant Aggro, maybe on another day I would have won that too but at 2-1 I may still make Top 8. Let's see, eh? P.S. Casting silence on turns 4 and 5 is good apparently.
- Ben Heath

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