Saturday, 27 June 2009

Hello from PTQ Southampton!


Rob Elkin writes...
7 more for a vintage side event

HJ update: 47 players, 6 Swiss rounds... and no decklist penalties! Hooray!


Michael Parker writes...
If Swans were a lady, I would marry her.

Elijah Hemmingway-Brown writes...
Go Parker rarrrr

Judges & Pres have pizza. We recommend.

Paul Nonis writes...
Ian T. Pirouet has defeated me for the 2nd tournament in a row. This is untenable. He even beat me in the exact same way, by being a masterful human and bear like man. In order for this to not be deleted and such I will add some cursory game details. He beat me with Mistbind Cliques both Games 2 and 3 about the neck, chest, and face area; with the help of that fine gentleman Jason T. Beleren. He drew Ian T. Pirouet actually infinite cards, which provided all the answers. I disagree with this decision to keep in Jace as I have many ways of dealing with him but unfortunately I didn't draw any because I am really bad at Magic. I would be angry but I like Faeries and I like Ian T. Piroeut as he is cuddly like a bear. So yeah.

Rob Elkin writes...
So I kept a fine hand, but with no Force of Will, after all you can't always draw it... My opponent on the play makes City of Brass, Crop Rotated it into a Strip Mine, tapped it to play Mana Vault and used that to play Crucible of Worlds. Thanks DCI for the unrestrcitions. I like having no lands.

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