Saturday, 20 June 2009

R3 update

Judge William K writes...
Time Sieve has won a game. Come on [deck designer] Cyrus Bales, keep up the crazy!

Ben Diesel writes...
Well, just won my last match. Opening hand of 2 Treetops, 2 Mutavaults, 2 Gilt-Leaf Palace, and a Llanowar Wastes. His first play? "Thoughtseize." *reveals hand* "Oh, that's weird. I guess I take 2!" Win for Team Diesel!

Iain Shephard writes...
1-2 boo, guess not sleeping last night didn't pay off! Also, Transformers (why I didn't sleep) is rubbish, don't go watch it!

Judge Kevin H writes...
Sieve player: "Swing for 65?"
Opponent: "Me or Ajani?"
A win for Time Sieve!

Aaron Ansell writes...
Bye! Oh yeah! And on the seventh day, God created Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker, and my opponent's head asplode!

HJ update: Metagame breakdown time!
Bloodbraid aggro decks: 7
Elves: 6
Faeries: 5
5CC: 3
Kithkin: 3
B/W Tokens: 3
Doran: 3
Bant: 2
U/W Lark: 2
Cascade Swans: 2
And a lot of other decks with only one player.

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