Saturday, 20 June 2009

Judge William K writes...
In response to Anathemancer's Unearth ability, the player plays Cryptic Command - to return his own nonbasic land, survive the turn, and win!

Iain Shephard writes...
2-2, bringing it back. Bitterblossom is pretty tech apparently...

Judge Kevin H writes...
Seismic Swans player needs the last card in his library in order to win... uh oh.

Aaron Ansell writes...
When you're on 1 and need the 14th land for the Banefire win, don't tap your Adarkar Wastes to play Path to Exile.

Judge Stelios K writes...
Interesting situation arose when Player A claimed his opponent had one extra card in his deck after sideboarding. This turned out to be true and after dispensing a Game Loss for Deck/Decklist Mismatch got the HJ to have a quiet word.
HJ's comment: It turned out the player had made a last minute change to his sideboard and left a card that was cut from the deck in his box. This lead him to believe he had 15 cards in the sideboard, and therefore 60 main, when he started shuffling. Just one of the many pitfalls of carrying extra cards in your deckbox!

Elijah Hemmingway-Brown writes...
More warnings for Slow Play at PTQ level. Slow Play hurts; I am a nice guy, too nice for my own good sometimes when I should call a judge and be hard. Raargh!

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