Sunday, 13 December 2009
Episode 26 - Season's Beatings
Welcome to our last episode of 2009, episode 26 of The Gamer's Podcast.
This week DLS joins me to discuss the first few cards from worldwake, as well as looking at blue's role in the history of magic.
Hope you enjoy listening. 2009 has been a brilliant year for us and we've been delighted to have you as listeners. Thank you and we look forward to bringing you more top news, decks and discussions in 2010!
The Gamer's Podcast Team
Monday, 30 November 2009
Episode 25 - The end of the Worlds as we know it.
We hope you enjoy listening to episode 25 of The Gamer's Podcast, where the three of us discuss the World Championships in all it's glory, ranging for champions, to decks, to strange happenings and disqualifications.
Remember that if you have any feedback for us (good or bad) or have any topics you'd like us to discuss then please email us at
Thanks for listening!
The Gamer's Podcast Team
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Episode 24 - Worlds is on the Horizon
Enjoy listening to episode 24, where we discuss worlds, the recent pro tour, white's place and identity in magic and some changes to the standard metagame.
The Gamer's Podcast Team
Friday, 30 October 2009
Episode 23 - Happy Halloween!
Episode 23 is up, with a frank discussion about aggro in zendikar standard, the role of black in magic and a round up of current news.
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Episode 22 - Combo Magic
Welsome to episode 22 of The Gamer's Podcast, this week we discuss the choices you may have when it comes to new standard decks, checking in on time sieve, warp world, polymorph and a cheeky deck using pyromancer's ascension. We also continue our feature on how magic has evolved since alpha, this time covering red.
Hope you enjoy listening, remember that we appreciate any feedback or questions on our facebook group or on our email
The Gamer's Podcast Team
Friday, 2 October 2009
Episode 21 - Controlling Standard
Another new episode for you, they're coming thick and fast now! We've switched technologies recently to reduce turnaround time on episodes and we hope it's working well.
Today David and Calum join you to discuss the new standard format in depth, starting with the role of control decks. We also start the first of a five part special report on the nature of each colour in todays magic compared to what they were when the game was first made a decade and a half ago. Today: Green!
Thanks for listening everyone, we love having you as listeners.
The Gamer's Podcast Team
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Episode 20 - Priceless Treasures or Deadly Traps?
Thanks for being patient for the few weeks while work/college/zendikar has taken over our lives and we had to miss a few episodes. Carl and Calum are back this week with a discussion about Zendikar, the prerelease, the new standard format and the rising price of Magic.
Thanks for listening, as always email us at if you want us to answer any questions or talk about anything in particular (a certain deck or strategy for example).
The Gamer's Podcast Team
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Cube Invitational Popular Vote Results
First Round
Rob beat Paul 8-2
Cyrus beat Aaron 7-3
Mark beat William 10-1
Ian beat Tim 7-3
David beat Greg 7-3
Calum, Carl and Chris got a bye.
Quarter Finals
Rob beat Chris 7-3
Calum beat Cyrus 7-3
Ian beat Mark on a tiebreaker at 5-5
Carl beat David 9-1
Semi Finals
Calum beat Rob 10-0
Carl beat Ian 6-4
Carl beat Calum on a tiebreaker at 5-5
(Tiebreaker was previous cube champion Greg Squire's vote)
So congratulations to the winner below and thank you to all others who submitted. Hope you enjoy our card designs.
Carl Ansell - WinnerCalum Stephenson - Second place

Rob Elkin - Semi Finalist

Ian Pirouet - Semi Finalist

Chris Cooper - Quarter Finalist

Cyrus Bales - Quarter Finalist

Mark Lailey - Quarter Finalist

David Lyford-Smith - Quarter Finalist

Paul - First Round

Aaron - First Round

William - First Round

Tim - First Round

Greg - First Round

The winners!
The Cube Invitational - Rotisserie draft decks and records
Saturday, 12 September 2009
The Gamer's Podcast Episode Nineteen - The Cube Invitational!
Welcome to episode nineteen, an epsiode recorded after day one of the cube invitational 2009, we're discussing how we did and the format of the cube invitational. Join us tomorrow when the tournament is done and we will bring you the final results!
The Gamer's Podcast Team
Friday, 11 September 2009
Breaking news - PTQs for San Diego
The PTQ schedule for San Diego has been announced. These are Sealed deck events.
17/10/2009 - Dublin
18/10/2009 - Manchester
01/11/2009 - Gravesend
07/11/2009 - Cambridge
14/11/2009 - Birmingham
28/11/2009 - Southampton
05/12/2009 - Dundee
02/01/2010 - London
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Episode Eighteen - Zendikar Previews
welcome to episode 18 of the gamer's podcast, where Carl and Calum talk about the new zendikar cards on the horizon.
The Gamer's Podcast Team
Thursday, 3 September 2009
Finalist, winner, and last decklists
Semifinalists + decklists
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Coventry PTQ Quarterfinalists + decklists + BONUS fun deck!
Round 5 feature match!
Round 4 feature match from Coventry
First update from PTQ Coventry
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Episode Seventeen - Today is the Day of Judgment
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Finalist, winner, and last decklists
Semifinalists + decklists
Quarterfinalists + decklists
Magic 2010 Game Day update #2
Magic 2010 Game Day update #1
Friday, 14 August 2009
Episode Sixteen - It's a trap!!!!!!!
The Gamer's Podcast team is back with the news of GP Brighton and the 2009 National Championships, as well as some great news about From the Vault: Exiled and ZENDIKAR!
Please email us at with any discussion topics or views on our content or discussion. We'd love to hear from you.
But remember, IT'S A TRAP!!!
The Gamer's Podcast Team
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Special Report: Coverage of Aaron Ansell vs Shuuhei Nakamura
Coverage by Calum Stephenson
GP Brighton, August 10th 2009
So, we're finally here, I really can't believe this is happening, but Aaron Ansell has just sat down and begun shuffling his deck opposite one of the world's greatest players, Shuuhei Nakamura.
This whole match begun win an innocuous comment from Aaron Ansell regarding his skills as a 5 Colour Control player. As sure as the sun rises, this lead to comparisons between Mr Ansell and Mr Nakamura by the other Reading local players. As these comments got rather out of hand, Mr Tim Willoughby decided to take it upon himself to set up a showdown between the Tank of Reading, and Nakamura of Japan.
A big crowd has gathered round, muttering in disbelief at what they are seeing.
The players shuffle up and Aaron is wondering how he got himself into the mess he's in. Everybody is expecting an absolute schooling from the Japanese pro, but Magic has ways of throwing up a surprise or two.
The players roll some digital dice on trading expert Matt Light's smartphone, and Aaron rolls a max 12 and gets to play first. Unfortunately due to time limits we're looking at only one game, instead of a three game match.
Aaron takes a mulligan after some thinking hard with a hand of 2 cryptic commands, 2 hallowed burial and 3 lands. Shuuhei keeps his seven, 3 lands, cryptic command, agony warp, Plumeveil and hallowed burial. A mulligan is not an ideal start for Aaron in the most daunting of matches, but the six card hand is better but not by much.
Vivid lands from both followed by five colour lands mean that both players are developing their mana whilst playing draw go. On Aaron's turn five, Shuuhei drops a Plumeveil at the end step. The first spell is player after 9 turns of the match. Another two turns go by before Aaron taps three for a Jace Beleran in his main phase. With 4 mana open, Shuuhei plays cryptic command, which counters it and draws a card. Aaron could have countered back and resolved the blue planeswalker, but decides against it as it might lead to him getting targeted by Cruel Ultimatum on Shuuhei's next turn.
Another couple of turns of land-go means that this match is going to lead to an explosive finish as both players stockpile their best cards. Esper charm draws two cards for Aaron, but doesn't stop the land-go play. Extra counters are drafted in from passers by to cover the shortage from the mass of vivid lands on the table.
By the time the match kicks off there are 25 lands split between the players. Aaron attempts to play the new threat of Baneslayer Angel. Shuuhei plays Esper Charm in response but lets it resolve. Shuuhei attempts to get rid of the angel with Hallowed burial, which is hit by negate from Aaron. The Baneslayer Angel gets over its summoning sickness and crashes in to the red zone. Met by a previously played Plumeveil and an Agony Warp from Shuuhei almost takes down the angel, only for the Agony Warp to be countered by Cryptic Command. Shuuhei thinks about a response but chooses to let the Plumeveil bite the dust, The life totals are 25-20 in Aaron's favour.
Seven mana is tapped and Cruel Ultimatum resolves for Shuuhei, reversing the life totals and causing a huge swing in card advantage. The three cards Shuuhei draws are far more important than the return of Plumeveil, which gets discarded during the cleanup step. Aaron discards down to a just a few cards and Mulldrifter for Shuuhei puts him further ahead. The next turn Aaron plays Esper Charm in an attempt to get back in to the game, after the aptly named seven mana sorcery.
An Ajani Vengeant resolves and locks down a Vivid Meadow, but with so many lands Shuuhei is unfazed. As he has a Mulldrifter in play it doesn't look likely that the gold cat will be destroying any lands any time soon. Mulldrifter attacks Ajani the next turn, which Aaron attempts to get a blocker in with Plumeveil but it's met with Essence Scatter. Ajani loses two counters and a Volcanic fallout deals the final damage to Ajani putting the life at 20-23. Aaron continues to draw two cards with more Esper Charm. Both players have a lot of lands open, but not much action is happening. Shuuhei plays an end of turn Esper Charm, draws what he needs and follows it with a Volcanic Fallout, making him ahead in the life stakes by 21-18. But then Shuuhei untaps, and calmly puts a Banefire on the table, taps all his lands and announces “Banefire you, for 20”, Aaron extends his hand and the game is over!
Banefire, always one of the most powerful weapons in a 5CC mirror means that Shuuhei doesn't have to give up any of his reputation just yet, and Aaron returns to Reading with his head held high, knowing that the game was still bigger than almost anyone else in his area has experienced.
Shuuhei Nakamura 1- 0 Aaron Ansell
Friday, 7 August 2009
Special Report: Interview with Greg Squire
Stay tuned for coverage of Grand Prix Brighton.
The Gamer's Podcast
Special Report: British Nationals 2009
The Gamer's Podcast is reporting to you live from Great British Nationals 2009. We have the top 8 and the semi finals are currently being played. The top 8 breakdown looks like this:
3 Elves!
1 Doran
1 Kithkin
1 RW Control
1 Jund Aggro
1 UW Reveillark
There are 3 Elves decks in the semi finals and there is guaranteed to be an Elf combo mirror in the final. Daniel Gardner awaits the winner of Peter Mottram and Chris Rossiter (an elves mirror that is taking a loooong time).
The Gamer's Podcast had the pleasure to talk to Berkshire local player, and reigning Cube Champion Greg Squire, after he finished his quarter final match against Mick Edwards. The interview will be uploaded in the next few hours. We'd like to congratulate Greg for doing so well at the tournament and representing us.
The event has been going on for three days already and for the next two days, The Gamer's Podcast members will be spending the next day (or hopefully two) playing and reporting from GP Brighton. Check back for updates tomorrow.
Look forward to the interview with Greg, and we hope to have more from you soon.
The Gamer's Podcast Team
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Episode Fifteen - A New World
Welcome to epsiode fifteen of The Gamer's Podcast, with an in-depth look at the new standard metagame and how M10 might affect your National Championships. We also discuss the results from Japanese/Spanish and Australian Nationals, as well as the recent M10 prerelease and release events.
Remember to e-mail us any feedbakc or discussion topics that you'd like us to talk about to!
The Gamer's Podcast Team
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Episode Fourteen - 2010 is here already.
It's that time of year again! Get ready to listen to our best picks and overall thoughts on the new Magic set, Magic 2010. We've also got some tips if you're going to a prerelease this weekend.
Apologies to anyone who's had problems downloading the podcast for the last few days, but our bandwidth problems are sorted now and everything is working great!
Hope to see you in Reading or London this weekend, remember to wear your fun boots and email us with any suggestions, feedback or stories from the prereleases. The address is, as ever,
The Gamer's Podcast Team
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Episode Thirteen - Driving down the M10
The Gamers Podcast Team
Winner, finalist, and decklists!
Semifinalists + decklists
Quarterfinalists + decklists
Second Swiss update from PTQ Southampton!
Hello from PTQ Southampton!
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Finalist, winner, and last decklists
Semifinalists + decklists
Quarterfinalists + decklists
End of Swiss update
R5 update
R3 update
R1 update from PTQ Reading
Friday, 19 June 2009
Episode Twelve - A Public The Rack Enquiry
So we're back again, with news of some new M10 cards, as well as a review of Pro Tour: Honolulu, and some advice for players approaching standard PTQ's.
The Gamer's Podcast Team
Sunday, 14 June 2009
Episode Eleven - The Sky is Falling!!!
The Gamer's Podcast Team
Friday, 29 May 2009
Episode Ten - Cascade Madness!!!
Apologies for missing out a few weeks everyone, but we have been having communication and technical issues that have stopped us from getting to you, but everyone's favourite threesome are back giving you the lowdown on Barcelona.
Hope you all enjoy.
As magic is entering a slightly quiet period, then to keep us going please email any discussion topics or decks youd like us to talk about to as well as any feedback for us. We'd love to hear from you.
The Gamer's Podcast Team
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Episode Nine - Prerelease Stories
Yeh, we missed a week, apologies, but we're back with episode nine of our brilliant podcast! Today we're discussing our thoughts on Alara Reborn from a player's and a judge's perspective.
Card of the week is Manafall from Cyrus Bales:

Please send us feedback and thoughts on our Facebook group or email us at
The Gamer's Podcast Team
Friday, 24 April 2009
Episode Eight - Pre-Pre Release of Alara Reborn
What an episode we have for you this week! We've reviewed Alara Reborn and picked our top cards for limited AND constructed, meaning that if you're playing in a prerelease and want to win, or want to know the best cards to put in your decks, this is the episode for you!
And here are our top lists for you all to enjoy. All pictures are courtesy of Wizards of the Coast's visual spoiler.
David (In alphabetical order)
1. Anathemancer - 1BR
Creature - Zombie Wizard (U)
When Anathemancer comes into play, it deals damage to target player equal to the number of nonbasic lands that player controls.
Unearth - 5BR


4. Soul Manipulation - 1UB
Instant (C)
Choose one or both - Counter target creature spell; and/or return target creature card in your graveyard to your hand.





5. Lorescale Coatl - 1UB
Creature - Snake (U)
Whenever you draw a card, you may put a +1/+1 counter on Lorescale Coatl.



4. Cerodon Yearling - RW
Creature - Beast (C)
Vigilance, haste
5. Mind Funeral - 1UB
Sorcery (U)
Target opponent reveals cards from the top of his or her library until four land cards are revealed. That player puts all cards revealed this way into his or her graveyard.


3. Deadshot Minotaur - 3RG
Creature - Minotaur (C)
When Deadshot Minotaur comes into play, it deals 3 damage to target creature with flying.
Cycling {R/G}
4. Gorger Wurm - 3RG
Creature - Wurm (C)
Devour 1




4. Enlisted Wurm - 4GW
Creature - Wurm (U)
5. Soul Manipulation - 1UB
Instant (C)
Choose one or both - Counter target creature spell; and/or return target creature card in your graveyard to your hand.


3. Soul Manipulation - 1UB
Instant (C)
Choose one or both - Counter target creature spell; and/or return target creature card in your graveyard to your hand.
4. Colossal Might - RG
Instant (C)
Target creature gets +4/+2 and gains trample until end of turn.
5. Skyclaw Thras - 3UR
Artifact Creature - Viashino Warrior (U)
Whenever Skyclaw Thrash attacks, flip a coin. If you win the flip, Skyclaw Thrash gets +1/+1 and gains flying until end of turn.
As you can see, if you open a Behemoth Sledge or a Bituminous Blast at the prerelease you should probably be playing them! We recommend you try and trade for some Jenara, Asura of War and Maelstrom Pulses/Thought Hemorraghes, as we all agree those cards are going to be big in constructed.
Thanks for listening everyone. Remember that if you want to enter our card of the week contest with a card you've designed, or you want to give us any feedback or suggestions then please email us at Remember to join our facebook group for the latest news.
The Gamer's Podcast Team